Adelle Sabatier


Sultry charm and a disarming gentleness await you just beyond the boundaries of these pages, but all great encounters have to start somewhere, so I will begin with the briefest of introductions. Upon our meeting, you will find yourself faced with a sparkling, effervescent, blue-eyed blonde, steeped in Southern manners and charm. A woman deeply curious about those she comes across, I am also an authentic person who communicates well tactilely and finds joy in making other people feel cared for. My practice as a lady of the demi-monde welcomes suitors into my boudoir, to spend time together in ways that stimulate both the mind and body, because when one has made giving pleasure an art form, it’s understood there can be no separation of the two. I have a pocketful of business cards reading “Hedonistic Epicure”, for good reason.

I’ve very recently relocated to Chicago, after a long tenure in Seattle, and cannot emphasize enough, how very excited I am to be shown around. Lest a city rendezvous fails to fulfill the vision you had for us, I’m as happy escaping to the mountains for day hiking, as I am climbing aboard a plane to be whisked away for a weekend trip. Discover life with your own living dream — a sweetly feminine figure, soft-spoken with arms wide open.

I invite you to enjoy the rest of my website and be in touch via contact form, if you would like to meet; Tell me your story and then join me in creating one of our own…


I am writing this not to many, but to you-certainly we are a great enough audience for each other.
— Epicurus